I have embraced Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass! It so succinctly describes all the observations I too have written about. There is no denying it. You could say that it has inspired me to maintain my die hard focus on my own poetry. Just last night I was inspired to start working on my own succinct collection of poetic thoughts. They are all flowing and intermingling. Just like Walt I want to break the traditional form of poetry and prose. It is the only path that a writer/poet can take. It is the one path I must take.

 All I have done today so far is post a lot more vital information on facebook pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement/protests/revolution. It has begun to spread like wild fire. There are even other countries beginning to show support for the movement. It is truly amazing and an awesome time to be living in. Future generations will be talking about this for some time to come and it will be in all the history books (digital or other form)! www.occupywallst.org

 Other than that, I have been writing/typing away and formulating some story ideas and new poem ideas. I very quickly decided to start writing another poetry e-book. It will be my forth and perhaps most interesting. So far it is titled Antiseptic Anarchism. The title came to me as I was reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Somewhere in the intro he wrote something about how he believes the poet to be the antiseptic of the world. That really struck a chord with me and I got this image in my head of a very altruistic way of life. My poetry seems to be taking on a new form as of lately and I do hope that it continues down that path. :-)
Revolt like you mean it

Burn in effigy

If need be

Let them laugh

And accuse



Is not fate


Is a factor

Revolt because

You can

Because it

Flows through

Your veins

There is no pain


Than the pain

Of oppression

Rise up

And shout


Your clout

You do have Power

We do have Power

March! March on!

Revolt because we need it!

This poem is dedicated to the current Wall Street protests and the entire movement that is spreading across the country and around the globe. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy the World!


Just today I was thinking about what it would have been like for authors such as John Steinbeck, Leo Tolstoy or H.G. Wells to have been able to utilize the internet for their self-publishing needs.

For the longest time I never considered self-publishing any of my work because I wanted to go the traditional route. But then I realized that I am not a "traditional" kind of person and ran down the path of self-publishing e-books and never looked back. I have made sure to make the majority of my work available for FREE on my personal website. I'm not in the business of making obscene amounts of money from my writing and I don't believe any true writer is. I just want to share my work with as much people as I possibly can during my lifetime. I'd rather my work be honored and praised posthumously. Only then does the world take notice of quality literature. Well, most of the time. Until then... I shall keep my laptop, pens and notebooks close to me at all times.

On another note... I completed my third poetry e-book An Almost Notion yesterday. I have uploaded it to the FREE E-Books section. I forgot to mention it in yesterday's blog post because I was wrapped in the protests going on. Feel free to download it, read it, share it. :-)

LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! www.occupywallst.org
 LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! I've been following the live web feed of the current protests going on in NYC on wall street. The whole thing is very inspiring and uplifting! If you have no idea what I'm talking about then please visit this site www.occupywallst.org  and see it for yourself. The corporate greed and corruption has gone unchecked for far too long in this country and it is high time that they are exposed for the money mongers that they are! There are also more protests beginning to take form in other cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas, Houston. I myself hope to be able to attend the protests in Austin on October 6th. The major news networks are not covering these protests in depth yet. Mostly due to the fact that they are all owned by many agencies that are funded by the major banks and/or corporations. Eventually they will catch on because this is something that affects EVERYONE! We the people are the majority 99% of this country and we WILL be heard!

 Took the weekend off from writing because I did not want to overload my head with ideas. I mostly spent some quiet time with my family and enjoyed some great home cooked meals. Also started reading some short stories by Leo Tolstoy and I breezed through A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. Got some inspiration for my own screenplay idea. I will resume my regular writing schedule on Monday.

 Take care. :-)
 My third self-published poetry book/e-book will be titled An Almost Notion. I suppose I got the idea from many current events that are taking place right now which pertain to wall street, the stock market, the criminality of banks and overall lack of compassion from many government agencies. People still seem to have this notion of a just and fair government that always takes care of the average citizen. In all actuality that is not the case.

 The book/e-book itself is coming along swimmingly. I am doing my best to make sure it conveys a lot of raw emotion and passion. I'd like it to be even grander than my previous poetry book Momentous but I'm not going to push for it too much. Or should I? We shall wait and see. Oh and I am still plugging away at my novel The Thing In The Desert. I believe I am coming upon a critical point with each character. Something very pivotal will surely develop out of it. As soon as I have completed another couple of chapters I will post an e-book preview for all to enjoy.

Today's question: Which do you do more often? Watch television or read a good novel?
 Good afternoon! If you happen to be one of the few who have downloaded my FREE poetry e-book then I thank you truly and sincerely and hope you are enjoying it. If you have yet to download Momentous then I encourage you to do so RIGHT NOW! Ha, ha. But seriously please do so that you may better acquaint yourself with my poetic musings. I've been considering getting rid of the WORKS section on my site and just uploading everything under the FREE E-Books section. Would probably be smoother.

 Today I went for a walk to my local convenience store and purchased my daily fountain cup refill. Then I had an epiphany of sorts. I should keep writing and uploading as many e-books as I possibly can. After all, I am a writer (ego sum writus)! So, that is what I shall do. I've started experimenting with different ideas and whatnot and seeing how they look in e-book form. So far so good. I just uploaded an experimental pictorial e-book to the FREE E-Books section. It is titled Complacency. It consists of no more than 22 pages of bold snap shots of me and my past artwork. Feel free to download it and gaze, gawk, admire or cringe at it. I have also begun working on a new poetry e-book and at least a dozen or so original short stories. Not to mention I've been hashing out a screenplay idea. So... please check back often as I will be uploading plenty of FREE original literature to whet your appetite. :-)
 Hello all and whomever is visiting my site. Yesterday I promised I would make my recent poetry book available for FREE download and today I've lived up to that promise. I've just added a new section to my site: FREE E-Books. My poetry e-book Momentous can be found there. It is ready for your downloading and reading pleasure.

 Please feel free to share it amongst your friends, family and/or neighbors. I shall add more FREE e-books in the coming months.

Take care and enjoy today! :-)
 Back to working on The Thing In The Desert. There are a lot more intricate details that are starting to take shape now. I now feel confident that this is a story that will remain etched in the psyche of all who read it.

 Oh and I've also just recently written a new poetry book. It is titled Momentous. It's not really a collection of separate poems but rather one long continuous poem. I was going to make it available for purchase but then decided that it NEEDS to be made available for FREE. It is something that everyone must read. Even if they don't necessarily like poetry or find it hard to grasp it is still something I'd like the entire world to have access to. So, I'll post the E-Book download of it soon. Probably later today. Stay tuned.