Halloween came and went. I've never really considered Halloween to be an official "holiday" but I suppose a lot of people do. Or don't. I am currently participating in the National Novel Writing Month challenge this year. Pretty much just trying to write out an assemblance of a novel with a minimum of 50,000 words. So far my story seems rather... unique. It's not at all what I expected but then again I wasn't expecting much. I'm really just going with the flow and allowing the words to pour out. It is quite exhilarating! I'll see about posting a preview of it perhaps in the following days.

 A new book of poetry has also poured out of me. I actually started writing it about a month ago. I've titled it Quantum Quench. The title represents my own perspective of time and its seemingly infallibility. A lot of the poems are short and straight to the point. I suppose I'll publish it sometime soon; maybe even simultaneously with my new novel at the end of the month.

 Stay cool and groovy! :-)
 Yesterday I watched the movie Meet Joe Black. It was the first time I had seen it in its entirety. It's always on some cable channel but I was never able to see it all the way through without some kind of interruption. Luckily, I was able to rent it from my local library and devote a solid three hours to watching it (that's its running time). I must state that it is now on my list of all time favorite movies. The whole concept of Death taking on human form and experiencing life first hand is just superbly pulled off in this movie. If you have yet to watch it I highly recommend you do.

 In the writing sphere, my thoughts and ideas are taking on more poetic forms. I'm starting to truly appreciate the artistic value of words. Even in the everyday words that people use to communicate with one another. There is a special flow to each word and sentence.