Halloween is tomorrow and I believe I might just dress as a starving artist of sorts. Won't be much of a stretch for me. I got an image in my head of half Van Gogh and half Picasso. Maybe I'll just dress how I think Van Gogh might dress if he were alive today. Yeah, sounds like a good plan.

 On November 1st I shall be participating in NaNoWrimo for the second time. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. The only requirement is to devote the entire month to writing a novel of 50,000 words or more. Doesn't matter if it is a crappy novel or the next great novel of the century. The main goal is to write like you've never written before! To learn more please visit www.nanowrimo.org
 Yesterday I watched the movie Meet Joe Black. It was the first time I had seen it in its entirety. It's always on some cable channel but I was never able to see it all the way through without some kind of interruption. Luckily, I was able to rent it from my local library and devote a solid three hours to watching it (that's its running time). I must state that it is now on my list of all time favorite movies. The whole concept of Death taking on human form and experiencing life first hand is just superbly pulled off in this movie. If you have yet to watch it I highly recommend you do.

 In the writing sphere, my thoughts and ideas are taking on more poetic forms. I'm starting to truly appreciate the artistic value of words. Even in the everyday words that people use to communicate with one another. There is a special flow to each word and sentence.
 Writing a story about somebody writing a story. Can't be much simpler than that.

 My new book Flesh of the Muse is now officially published and ready for online purchase! I will post the respective link later. :-)

Can be forever


Can mend

Two together

For always



Never look


The distance

All that matters

Is eternity

 I want to write a story about a man who is obsessed with peanut butter. Or maybe a story about a woman who is dumped by her fiance then decides to open up a candy shop. Or maybe some kind of romantic comedy type novel. I suppose I could write a really heart-wrenching novel about people losing their faith in themselves. Or a story about someone inspiring others to pursue their dreams and ambitions. So many possibilities out there and inside my head.
 I've been walking around with a mini notebook in my pocket lately so that I can write down whatever daily thoughts come to mind. And so far I've come up with some pretty interesting poems that really defy most standards. I must admit that I have taken a break from novel writing but mostly because I don't like pushing my brain too hard. I know that national novel writing month is next month but I'm not sure if I'll be participating. I suppose I might but if I do I'll just write a nonsensical story and then most likely reshape it in the near future. But then that's perfectly fine.

 I have completed my next book Flesh of the Muse and am now just deciding on a cover. It looks to be a very interesting collection. It is primarily a book that only I (or other writers) would enjoy but that's still not going to stop me from publishing it.
 So far I am in the midst of compiling and completing my next book Flesh of the Muse. It includes brand new poems, previous poetry collections which will appear for the first time in print form, short stories, theories, musings, one screenplay and a couple of abstract-esque photos. I am taking the time to organize it and arrange it in some manner of form. I do like how it looks in its present state. All I really need to do is decide on a cover image. I shall keep you posted. :-)
A doctor, George Bush, a Priest, and a boy scout were on a plane when it started having engine trouble.

In spite of the best efforts of the pilot the plane started to go down.

Unfortunately, there were only 3 parachutes remaining.

The doctor grabbed one and said. "I am a doctor, I save lives so I deserve to live." And jumped out.

Bush then said, " I am the President and I am the smartest man in the world, so I deserve to live." and jumped out.

The priest looked at the boy and said " My son I have lived a long life, and you have a whole life to live, so you take the parachute."

The boy scout handed the parachute back to the priest and said "No worries, father. The "smartest man in the world" just took off with my backpack."
 Went to my local library today and checked out two fairly interesting poetry books. I believe my taste in literature has expanded exponentially without my even knowing. I also checked out some movies (yes, the library has current dvd titles for free rental). One movie is titled The Fighter and stars Mark Wahlberg and Christian Baile. It's essentially a basic up and coming/underdog boxing tale. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.

 In other news, I just revised my short novel The Sofa That Ate Everyone. I lowered the price and added a preview of my next book The Thing In The Desert. I updated the preview on the Home page of my site as well. I've also been busy working on a new poetry/short story collection. It will include lots of very new, fresh poetry and some other collected works such as An Almost Notion, Antiseptic Anarchism and possibly Momentous. I haven't decided on an absolute inclusion yet but I do know that it will include all of the shorts I've written so far and even a couple of unfinished ones. Oh and I would also like to include some really great photos of different artistic interpretations. I'll probably add those after the rest of the collection is complete. The title I've come up with so far is Flesh of the Muse. Be on the look out and check back here often. :-)

Upset the brunette

She doesn’t like

To be alone

She only loves herself

And that’s no joke

She isn’t very beautiful but

She tries
