My other blogs have been receiving the bulk of my attention lately. I rarely post here because up until recently I had no viable means of connecting to the site. But just yesterday I finally got my own wireless home signal setup. I got a pretty good deal with my local cable company; at least as far as the rest of this year is concerned.

 One of my blogs, , was just recently nominated and awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. It is more of an honorary title than monetary. And it also serves to give a blog more exposure and viewability throughout the online blogging community.

 In other news, my sixth self published book Rufescent is now available through Just click on the My Published Books section of this site and you will be transported to my personal author's spotlight. I just received my own copy a couple of days ago and it turned out great. I really admire the cover design I created. I am still working on many other projects but also making sure I don't tackle too many at once. My novel Aperture seems to be slowly gaining an audience via the two chapter preview I made available for download. I am very, very close to finishing it and I suppose I am taking my time with the ending because I've grown too attached to the characters and twisted plot. Rest assured, I WILL finish it!

 I'm also reconsidering redesigning my whole site but I'm reconsidering a lot of things at the moment. For now, I like its core simplicity.

 I'll post another update soon and a few more poems/stories. Stay cool all you marvelous humans! :-)
 So far I am in the midst of compiling and completing my next book Flesh of the Muse. It includes brand new poems, previous poetry collections which will appear for the first time in print form, short stories, theories, musings, one screenplay and a couple of abstract-esque photos. I am taking the time to organize it and arrange it in some manner of form. I do like how it looks in its present state. All I really need to do is decide on a cover image. I shall keep you posted. :-)
 My third self-published poetry book/e-book will be titled An Almost Notion. I suppose I got the idea from many current events that are taking place right now which pertain to wall street, the stock market, the criminality of banks and overall lack of compassion from many government agencies. People still seem to have this notion of a just and fair government that always takes care of the average citizen. In all actuality that is not the case.

 The book/e-book itself is coming along swimmingly. I am doing my best to make sure it conveys a lot of raw emotion and passion. I'd like it to be even grander than my previous poetry book Momentous but I'm not going to push for it too much. Or should I? We shall wait and see. Oh and I am still plugging away at my novel The Thing In The Desert. I believe I am coming upon a critical point with each character. Something very pivotal will surely develop out of it. As soon as I have completed another couple of chapters I will post an e-book preview for all to enjoy.

Today's question: Which do you do more often? Watch television or read a good novel?