It is March here in old TX but the weather has turned frightfully cold. I am sorry to have neglected this site for so long but my access to the internet has been unreliable lately. I recently upgraded to an android smartphone and now at least have access to my email and other blogs. On the writing front, I am currently writing up a storm. I've been using a couple of note sharing and word processing apps on my phone to jot down all of my story ideas and poetic verses. Now I am at the point where I can pretty much make up a decent story whenever I whip out my android phone. My phone also has its own slide out mini keyboard so I am able to type out my ideas as fast as I do on my laptop. It really is my new favorite writing tool. So far I believe I've written about a hundred or so new poems and over a dozen short stories/other prose. At first I wasn't certain what I would do with so much new material but then I decided to do what I originally set out to do... self-publish more of my own books! So in addition to putting together a new poetry collection I will also be putting together my very FIRST short story & prose collection. Of course as of right now they are under working titles but so far look to be quite promising. I am rather anxious to see them completed; especially my first collection of shorts. I also plan on having some kind of contest in order to promote and give away two copies of each book. I have yet to sell more than a handful of copies of my other books but what concerns me most is getting my work in the hands of a wider and more diverse audience. I shall maintain a positive outlook towards the near future. :-)

Here are links to my other blogs  in case you'd like to keep more up to date with my progress. I do tend to post much more on them since my phone is now linked to them. Here you go:
 I want to write a story about a man who is obsessed with peanut butter. Or maybe a story about a woman who is dumped by her fiance then decides to open up a candy shop. Or maybe some kind of romantic comedy type novel. I suppose I could write a really heart-wrenching novel about people losing their faith in themselves. Or a story about someone inspiring others to pursue their dreams and ambitions. So many possibilities out there and inside my head.
 Went to my local library today and checked out two fairly interesting poetry books. I believe my taste in literature has expanded exponentially without my even knowing. I also checked out some movies (yes, the library has current dvd titles for free rental). One movie is titled The Fighter and stars Mark Wahlberg and Christian Baile. It's essentially a basic up and coming/underdog boxing tale. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.

 In other news, I just revised my short novel The Sofa That Ate Everyone. I lowered the price and added a preview of my next book The Thing In The Desert. I updated the preview on the Home page of my site as well. I've also been busy working on a new poetry/short story collection. It will include lots of very new, fresh poetry and some other collected works such as An Almost Notion, Antiseptic Anarchism and possibly Momentous. I haven't decided on an absolute inclusion yet but I do know that it will include all of the shorts I've written so far and even a couple of unfinished ones. Oh and I would also like to include some really great photos of different artistic interpretations. I'll probably add those after the rest of the collection is complete. The title I've come up with so far is Flesh of the Muse. Be on the look out and check back here often. :-)
 Good afternoon! If you happen to be one of the few who have downloaded my FREE poetry e-book then I thank you truly and sincerely and hope you are enjoying it. If you have yet to download Momentous then I encourage you to do so RIGHT NOW! Ha, ha. But seriously please do so that you may better acquaint yourself with my poetic musings. I've been considering getting rid of the WORKS section on my site and just uploading everything under the FREE E-Books section. Would probably be smoother.

 Today I went for a walk to my local convenience store and purchased my daily fountain cup refill. Then I had an epiphany of sorts. I should keep writing and uploading as many e-books as I possibly can. After all, I am a writer (ego sum writus)! So, that is what I shall do. I've started experimenting with different ideas and whatnot and seeing how they look in e-book form. So far so good. I just uploaded an experimental pictorial e-book to the FREE E-Books section. It is titled Complacency. It consists of no more than 22 pages of bold snap shots of me and my past artwork. Feel free to download it and gaze, gawk, admire or cringe at it. I have also begun working on a new poetry e-book and at least a dozen or so original short stories. Not to mention I've been hashing out a screenplay idea. So... please check back often as I will be uploading plenty of FREE original literature to whet your appetite. :-)