It is March here in old TX but the weather has turned frightfully cold. I am sorry to have neglected this site for so long but my access to the internet has been unreliable lately. I recently upgraded to an android smartphone and now at least have access to my email and other blogs. On the writing front, I am currently writing up a storm. I've been using a couple of note sharing and word processing apps on my phone to jot down all of my story ideas and poetic verses. Now I am at the point where I can pretty much make up a decent story whenever I whip out my android phone. My phone also has its own slide out mini keyboard so I am able to type out my ideas as fast as I do on my laptop. It really is my new favorite writing tool. So far I believe I've written about a hundred or so new poems and over a dozen short stories/other prose. At first I wasn't certain what I would do with so much new material but then I decided to do what I originally set out to do... self-publish more of my own books! So in addition to putting together a new poetry collection I will also be putting together my very FIRST short story & prose collection. Of course as of right now they are under working titles but so far look to be quite promising. I am rather anxious to see them completed; especially my first collection of shorts. I also plan on having some kind of contest in order to promote and give away two copies of each book. I have yet to sell more than a handful of copies of my other books but what concerns me most is getting my work in the hands of a wider and more diverse audience. I shall maintain a positive outlook towards the near future. :-)

Here are links to my other blogs  in case you'd like to keep more up to date with my progress. I do tend to post much more on them since my phone is now linked to them. Here you go:
 I've come to a bit of a block with my NaNoWriMo novel. Though I have been writing as furiously as possible I'm still well under any 20,000 word mark. I tend to get lost in my own descriptive imagery. And I guess I have also allowed myself to be distracted by other projects but only because I really don't have much else to do during this season. This weekend I'll be hitting the recording studio with my newly forged band. We've been on hiatus for the past six months and pursing our own individual endeavors. I am a bit anxious and nervous to get back into rocking out but I know it'll go over well enough.

 Oh and I believe I'll be putting the finishing touches on my latest poetry book today and uploading its e-book counterpart. It is titled Quantum Quench. I consider it to be somewhat of a transitional work for me but it is still just as much a part of me as are all of my written works.

 Stay loose and keep on rockin'!
Just today I was thinking about what it would have been like for authors such as John Steinbeck, Leo Tolstoy or H.G. Wells to have been able to utilize the internet for their self-publishing needs.

For the longest time I never considered self-publishing any of my work because I wanted to go the traditional route. But then I realized that I am not a "traditional" kind of person and ran down the path of self-publishing e-books and never looked back. I have made sure to make the majority of my work available for FREE on my personal website. I'm not in the business of making obscene amounts of money from my writing and I don't believe any true writer is. I just want to share my work with as much people as I possibly can during my lifetime. I'd rather my work be honored and praised posthumously. Only then does the world take notice of quality literature. Well, most of the time. Until then... I shall keep my laptop, pens and notebooks close to me at all times.

On another note... I completed my third poetry e-book An Almost Notion yesterday. I have uploaded it to the FREE E-Books section. I forgot to mention it in yesterday's blog post because I was wrapped in the protests going on. Feel free to download it, read it, share it. :-)

 My third self-published poetry book/e-book will be titled An Almost Notion. I suppose I got the idea from many current events that are taking place right now which pertain to wall street, the stock market, the criminality of banks and overall lack of compassion from many government agencies. People still seem to have this notion of a just and fair government that always takes care of the average citizen. In all actuality that is not the case.

 The book/e-book itself is coming along swimmingly. I am doing my best to make sure it conveys a lot of raw emotion and passion. I'd like it to be even grander than my previous poetry book Momentous but I'm not going to push for it too much. Or should I? We shall wait and see. Oh and I am still plugging away at my novel The Thing In The Desert. I believe I am coming upon a critical point with each character. Something very pivotal will surely develop out of it. As soon as I have completed another couple of chapters I will post an e-book preview for all to enjoy.

Today's question: Which do you do more often? Watch television or read a good novel?
 This is the first post of my new blog on my new site. I suppose it is a bit momentous. I'll do my best to blog something new daily here and keep potential fans/readers informed on my continuous journey as a writer. Maybe I'll post a few jokes or snappy quips. Or maybe some interesting polls? Who knows. The sky is the limit. I'll start by asking a simple question each day.

 Today's question: What is your favorite color?