Keeping busy, keeping busy. Hard to believe it is December once again. The holidays are upon us and I for one consider it a good thing. I know plenty of good things still await the human race.
 Of course I am still writing and publishing and posting and writing. I've neglected posting on here only because I once again find myself without regular access to the internet. Nowadays I do most of my posting via my Android smartphone.
 I published my seventh poetry novel quite some time ago. It is titled Pythagorean and can be purchased from the same site where all of my books are available for purchase. A few days ago I completed work on my eighth poetic amalgamation. I've titled it Fascination. It is not quite yet available for purchase but only because I am putting the final touches on it. In addition to it being another poetic feat it will also include some of my short stories and other prose works which have never been gathered in book form before.
 In regards to the status of my novel, Aperture, I have already passed my own expectations. Meaning... I have only the final chapter to flesh out. I cannot say exactly how it will end but it promises to be very engaging and introspective. If you have yet to download the free preview of Aperture I encourage you to please do so. The link is right on the home page.
 I may post another couple of updates soon. Thanks for viewing my site and blog(s)! Peace. Later.
“ If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water. ”

    ― Ernest Hemingway
 I've uploaded two new works to the WORKS section. They are titled The Bar and Familiar Self. Please feel free to download them, read them and share them.

 My other blogs have been receiving the bulk of my attention lately. I rarely post here because up until recently I had no viable means of connecting to the site. But just yesterday I finally got my own wireless home signal setup. I got a pretty good deal with my local cable company; at least as far as the rest of this year is concerned.

 One of my blogs, , was just recently nominated and awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. It is more of an honorary title than monetary. And it also serves to give a blog more exposure and viewability throughout the online blogging community.

 In other news, my sixth self published book Rufescent is now available through Just click on the My Published Books section of this site and you will be transported to my personal author's spotlight. I just received my own copy a couple of days ago and it turned out great. I really admire the cover design I created. I am still working on many other projects but also making sure I don't tackle too many at once. My novel Aperture seems to be slowly gaining an audience via the two chapter preview I made available for download. I am very, very close to finishing it and I suppose I am taking my time with the ending because I've grown too attached to the characters and twisted plot. Rest assured, I WILL finish it!

 I'm also reconsidering redesigning my whole site but I'm reconsidering a lot of things at the moment. For now, I like its core simplicity.

 I'll post another update soon and a few more poems/stories. Stay cool all you marvelous humans! :-)
 It is March here in old TX but the weather has turned frightfully cold. I am sorry to have neglected this site for so long but my access to the internet has been unreliable lately. I recently upgraded to an android smartphone and now at least have access to my email and other blogs. On the writing front, I am currently writing up a storm. I've been using a couple of note sharing and word processing apps on my phone to jot down all of my story ideas and poetic verses. Now I am at the point where I can pretty much make up a decent story whenever I whip out my android phone. My phone also has its own slide out mini keyboard so I am able to type out my ideas as fast as I do on my laptop. It really is my new favorite writing tool. So far I believe I've written about a hundred or so new poems and over a dozen short stories/other prose. At first I wasn't certain what I would do with so much new material but then I decided to do what I originally set out to do... self-publish more of my own books! So in addition to putting together a new poetry collection I will also be putting together my very FIRST short story & prose collection. Of course as of right now they are under working titles but so far look to be quite promising. I am rather anxious to see them completed; especially my first collection of shorts. I also plan on having some kind of contest in order to promote and give away two copies of each book. I have yet to sell more than a handful of copies of my other books but what concerns me most is getting my work in the hands of a wider and more diverse audience. I shall maintain a positive outlook towards the near future. :-)

Here are links to my other blogs  in case you'd like to keep more up to date with my progress. I do tend to post much more on them since my phone is now linked to them. Here you go:
 I took a week long break from writing my novel. It was starting to get on my nerves. But eventually the act of not writing began to irk me as well. So last night I plunged back into my novel. I'm beginning to notice how much the process of writing has become an integral part of who I am. Of course, most of what I write makes very little sense to me while I am writing it but then once it has been written it usually makes sense out of itself. Sounds a bit paradoxical but it is the truth.

  The main character of my novel could be classified as a protagonist. But in actuality he is more of an unfettered thinker.
 I've been incapacitated for the past week due to an irksome cold. But I am on my way to recovery now. I've written a handful of new poems and miscellaneous ideas but probably won't piece them together for another couple of days.
 Hello gents and ladies or whomever happens to be reading this. I don't know exactly who has or hasn't been frequenting my website but neither matters much. My Thanksgiving weekend went by faster than the time it took me to eat three helpings of turkey and stuffing. Mmmm turkey. I've been in the middle of a somewhat creative renewal this holiday season and all is going according to plan. I've finally started to paint on real canvas which I'm finding adds a lot more life to the colors I use and makes it easier to stretch and hang. I'm also busy preparing for recording a full length demo with my band, we already have the studio time booked for the next couple of weeks and will most likely spend a good month or so on the whole mixing/editing/mastering process. And of course I am always busy writing my eclectic poetry and circumstantial stories.

 I just uploaded my latest poetry book Quantum Quench. You can find it under the FREE E-Books section; it is also available in paperback form on The appropriate link can be found under the My Published Books section of my site. I shall write more later. Until then stay awesome! :-)
There is something quite wondrous

About continual

Refusal to admit

Sole proprietary


Here and then

But relaxed

Intentions were


And bare

She bared it all

And we complied


There is no

Better person

To fly those friendly

Skies with

Other than


Fair wintery




 Happy 11-11-11 to all! Hope your day is going as smoothly as mine. My NaNoWriMo novel has pretty much been consuming my November. The plot is quite intriguing and keeps getting thicker and thicker. I've also been writing down some more poetry and will probably be putting together two new poetry books very soon.

 Well, I gotta get back to writing. Later for now. :-)