I have finally uploaded a preview of my recent novel Aperture on my personal website. It is in pdf/ebook format and can be downloaded for FREE! That's right FREE! The appropriate download link can be found right on the bottom of my home page and under the WORKS section. It should download without any trouble. So, please feel free to download the first two chapters as many times as you'd like. Read it, enjoy it, share it. If you feel like leaving a quick comment then please do so in the Contact Me section of my site.

 What are you waiting for? Get to it and read your heart out. :-)
 I am currently sitting in a McDonald's; using the free wifi signal. I just enjoyed a delicious fudge sundae with nuts. I don't have my own reliable internet signal at home right now so I figured I'd try out McDonald's. Truth be known... I kind of wanted to get out of the house as well. My novel writing seems to be lagging a bit lately but I've been trudging onward. I really should post a preview of it really soon. I just realized that I haven't let anyone read any of it yet.
 I took a week long break from writing my novel. It was starting to get on my nerves. But eventually the act of not writing began to irk me as well. So last night I plunged back into my novel. I'm beginning to notice how much the process of writing has become an integral part of who I am. Of course, most of what I write makes very little sense to me while I am writing it but then once it has been written it usually makes sense out of itself. Sounds a bit paradoxical but it is the truth.

  The main character of my novel could be classified as a protagonist. But in actuality he is more of an unfettered thinker.
 I've been incapacitated for the past week due to an irksome cold. But I am on my way to recovery now. I've written a handful of new poems and miscellaneous ideas but probably won't piece them together for another couple of days.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

-Albert Einstein
 I want to write a story about a man who is obsessed with peanut butter. Or maybe a story about a woman who is dumped by her fiance then decides to open up a candy shop. Or maybe some kind of romantic comedy type novel. I suppose I could write a really heart-wrenching novel about people losing their faith in themselves. Or a story about someone inspiring others to pursue their dreams and ambitions. So many possibilities out there and inside my head.
 So far I am in the midst of compiling and completing my next book Flesh of the Muse. It includes brand new poems, previous poetry collections which will appear for the first time in print form, short stories, theories, musings, one screenplay and a couple of abstract-esque photos. I am taking the time to organize it and arrange it in some manner of form. I do like how it looks in its present state. All I really need to do is decide on a cover image. I shall keep you posted. :-)
 I have embraced Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass! It so succinctly describes all the observations I too have written about. There is no denying it. You could say that it has inspired me to maintain my die hard focus on my own poetry. Just last night I was inspired to start working on my own succinct collection of poetic thoughts. They are all flowing and intermingling. Just like Walt I want to break the traditional form of poetry and prose. It is the only path that a writer/poet can take. It is the one path I must take.

Revolt like you mean it

Burn in effigy

If need be

Let them laugh

And accuse



Is not fate


Is a factor

Revolt because

You can

Because it

Flows through

Your veins

There is no pain


Than the pain

Of oppression

Rise up

And shout


Your clout

You do have Power

We do have Power

March! March on!

Revolt because we need it!

This poem is dedicated to the current Wall Street protests and the entire movement that is spreading across the country and around the globe. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy the World!
