Is your 2012 going as smoothly as mine? I do hope it is. Something about this year that makes it all seem ELECTRIC and MARVELOUS! There is no better time to be alive than right here and right now!
I'm Alive
I'm a lie
I'm alive
I'm a fly
I'm Alive
 I have finally uploaded a preview of my recent novel Aperture on my personal website. It is in pdf/ebook format and can be downloaded for FREE! That's right FREE! The appropriate download link can be found right on the bottom of my home page and under the WORKS section. It should download without any trouble. So, please feel free to download the first two chapters as many times as you'd like. Read it, enjoy it, share it. If you feel like leaving a quick comment then please do so in the Contact Me section of my site.

 What are you waiting for? Get to it and read your heart out. :-)
 It is March here in old TX but the weather has turned frightfully cold. I am sorry to have neglected this site for so long but my access to the internet has been unreliable lately. I recently upgraded to an android smartphone and now at least have access to my email and other blogs. On the writing front, I am currently writing up a storm. I've been using a couple of note sharing and word processing apps on my phone to jot down all of my story ideas and poetic verses. Now I am at the point where I can pretty much make up a decent story whenever I whip out my android phone. My phone also has its own slide out mini keyboard so I am able to type out my ideas as fast as I do on my laptop. It really is my new favorite writing tool. So far I believe I've written about a hundred or so new poems and over a dozen short stories/other prose. At first I wasn't certain what I would do with so much new material but then I decided to do what I originally set out to do... self-publish more of my own books! So in addition to putting together a new poetry collection I will also be putting together my very FIRST short story & prose collection. Of course as of right now they are under working titles but so far look to be quite promising. I am rather anxious to see them completed; especially my first collection of shorts. I also plan on having some kind of contest in order to promote and give away two copies of each book. I have yet to sell more than a handful of copies of my other books but what concerns me most is getting my work in the hands of a wider and more diverse audience. I shall maintain a positive outlook towards the near future. :-)

Here are links to my other blogs  in case you'd like to keep more up to date with my progress. I do tend to post much more on them since my phone is now linked to them. Here you go:
 I am currently sitting in a McDonald's; using the free wifi signal. I just enjoyed a delicious fudge sundae with nuts. I don't have my own reliable internet signal at home right now so I figured I'd try out McDonald's. Truth be known... I kind of wanted to get out of the house as well. My novel writing seems to be lagging a bit lately but I've been trudging onward. I really should post a preview of it really soon. I just realized that I haven't let anyone read any of it yet.
 I took a week long break from writing my novel. It was starting to get on my nerves. But eventually the act of not writing began to irk me as well. So last night I plunged back into my novel. I'm beginning to notice how much the process of writing has become an integral part of who I am. Of course, most of what I write makes very little sense to me while I am writing it but then once it has been written it usually makes sense out of itself. Sounds a bit paradoxical but it is the truth.

  The main character of my novel could be classified as a protagonist. But in actuality he is more of an unfettered thinker.
 I've been incapacitated for the past week due to an irksome cold. But I am on my way to recovery now. I've written a handful of new poems and miscellaneous ideas but probably won't piece them together for another couple of days.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

-Albert Einstein
 Happy Holidays to All!

 I did not complete my NaNoWrimo novel within the alotted time but I am still pounding away at the keyboard. I am very near the 40,000 word count mark by now and still have plenty of great things flowing out of my mind. The main character is really quite intriguing and just continues to grow even more intriguing with every chapter. I came down with a slight cold on Tuesday so most of my writing duties were put on hold. I am diligently working to catch up now. :-)