Halloween came and went. I've never really considered Halloween to be an official "holiday" but I suppose a lot of people do. Or don't. I am currently participating in the National Novel Writing Month challenge this year. Pretty much just trying to write out an assemblance of a novel with a minimum of 50,000 words. So far my story seems rather... unique. It's not at all what I expected but then again I wasn't expecting much. I'm really just going with the flow and allowing the words to pour out. It is quite exhilarating! I'll see about posting a preview of it perhaps in the following days.

 A new book of poetry has also poured out of me. I actually started writing it about a month ago. I've titled it Quantum Quench. The title represents my own perspective of time and its seemingly infallibility. A lot of the poems are short and straight to the point. I suppose I'll publish it sometime soon; maybe even simultaneously with my new novel at the end of the month.

 Stay cool and groovy! :-)

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